Tuesday, March 14, 2017


This guy came in my line at Weis and asked me what I was doing later that night. 
I exaggerated the moment with the rose of course, haha.

First night answering phones in Deli, cutting, and handing customer's their pizzas.
I'm one of the oldest employees, so I'm the only one that can help on Pizza Fridays in Deli. It's a nice change of pace and I get a cute hat :)

Still life for Drawing 106
Beginning of the 45th Iditarod! We follow it every year!

Castle on a Hill


Doodled during class and colored later, no reference! I was pretty impressed with the owl haha

Magic Giant liked my previous photo on instagram, so I stalked them and found out they were a little Indie start-up band. I kinda fell in love with their music a little <3
It's soft and mesmerizing. 

I didn't have any ideas that night, so I pulled a random animal and a random hobby out of my idea jar.

I'm awful fawn of you my deer

Just watched Pete's Dragon and loved the lumberjacks..although they were kinda jerks :/

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Went to a local gallery opening with my mom. This is my version of the piece that won. Needless to say, I was very confused why. I have an appreciation for abstract, I've learned about the complexity in college, but...yet. I still don't understand it's beauty...or why it won haha

Whale you really catch me?

"I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil"

Valentine's Day!

19 balloons resembling 19 years of my life! 

Head in the clouds

Aim true

Saw a guy on campus with a Captain America shield backpack. 
At ease, soldier!

Keep your chin up!
Polar plunge! :)
Saw Superman and his mom grocery shopping ^_^
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there's footprints on the moon 

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Drew a shape with my eyes closed during class and it turned into a sick lama? 

Never stop looking up

Tribute to my very last fishy that past away, retiring the good old aquarium for a while

Got a few markers to play with, not prismacolor or copics, but I can still learn from them!

Church doodles again :)

Caption on instagram for this: "Wait for a guy that will look at you the way this guy looks at a can of tuna" A guy at school couldn't open his tuna without a can opener, and he kept going from table to table asking if someone could help him open it....welp. He made it as my sketch for the day.
Never know what will inspire you!

I can't get Ben Stiller's profile right....argh. But I LOVE this movie <3
Pretty sure this was the 12th time I've seen it 

I've been seeing planes everyday on my commute to college so one day as I was leaving I plugged in airport into my GPS and went on an adventure after school. 
I sat there for a good half hour watching helicopters land and take off and planes driving over to the repair shop. It was so relaxing, I'm sure I'll go back on a warmer day 

Back to playing with my limited palette of markers.
Autumn Galadriel?

And this one is a mixture of markers and pencil...kinda inspired by yesterday, still an elven theme :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

22-31 of 365

Doodles during church:
(Don't worry, I was listening. But ever since I was young, mom would read to Britney and I and she would give us coloring pages to keep our hands busy while we listened to her reading, I can multitask!)

First day of 2nd semester, same doodle, different versions.
Doodled a student on his laptop
First art project. My teacher was very, very impressed. He came and talked to me and complimented me, no one else in the room. I felt awkward, but it really made my day!
He's the head of the art department at this college too!
Was sitting in the cafeteria and didn't feel comfortable enough to sketch someone, afraid they'd catch me looking at them, so I doodled from imagination. 

More church doodles!
2nd art project was to draw a cylinder, cone, and sphere. I've done basic shapes too often in beginners classes, and wanted to make this one different!
My teacher appreciated the scale (18 in x 24 in) and theme and detail! He called the sprinkles ridiculous haha.
Just a doodle from class today

Well it's the end of January and I haven't missed a day of art yet!!
I've made 31 little pieces, whether they're impressive or not, the point of this challenge was to kick me into making art again, I'm honestly surprised (and glad) it's working :)